Sunday, December 30, 2007

Britney's "Piece Of Me" video...

So, my jewels made it to set, but I can't really spot my stuff because they edited the scenes really short and fast! I did see one of my necklaces, on one of the dancers in the club, but it was so fast, I could barely see it! (My eyes were practically cross eyed while trying to find my stuff--it's like "Where's Waldo" in miniature!!)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Random bumping into a customer...

So I was in Nordstrom in San Francisco with my mom post-Christmas. I'm standing near the shoes, when I look over and recognize this guy! He bought my silver key necklace at the Qio party last week! At the party, he asked me if I had any jewelry for guys, and I said, "Yes, I DO!" and ran to the back room, grabbed the necklace, and sold it to him on the spot!!

So I run over to him and say, "Hey, you bought my silver key necklace at the Qio party last week!" He remembers, and we both talk about how weird it is that we ran into each other here...of all places!! Ahh...gotta love stuff like that!!

Maybe one day I will meet a cute, single, nice guy wearing my necklace whom I can approach! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

This week makes up for last week!!

So...about it being soooo slow last week--this week certainly made up for it!! One of my new accounts--Qio--had a party last Thursday! It was nice to see some of my little jewels get snapped up and worn out into the world! The girls at Qio are so sweet, we have agreed to have them work as my sales rep in Japan!

They already landed me one account, an online store that also sells Victoria's Secret bath and body products! My friend Paul told me that Victoria's Secret have no freestanding stores in Japan, so their customers only buy online! The website is:

You can also see my jewelry at Qio (on the Westside) at 11614 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90064. They also carry cult favorites such as Hysteric Glamour, Orthodox, and Corpus.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Some downtime...

Okay, usually during the holiday season, I'm inundated with numerous emails, calls, etc. regarding getting, buying, pulling, my jewelry! For some reason, this week has been slow, with ZERO appointments booked, nothing to drop off, etc. It's weird!!

I mean, the last few weeks did really run me over though...maybe I took care of everybody way in advance...? We'll see what happens next week!!

Well, at least I have taken this time to clean my apartment--which needing some serious cleanin' lovin'!!!

I have been feeling pretty antsy too...I think I've been stuck indoors here quite a bit, so I'm always looking for something to do...ANYTHING!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

LA Times magazine!!

When I bought last sunday's issue, I was bummed to find out my necklace didn't make it in the print edition...I emailed my buyer telling her so, she wrote me that they chose the shot with my necklace for online only! They spelled my last name wrong, but that's okay, I'm used to it...Daco, Dako, Dayko, Dacoe, etc. Thank you Alisa for your support!! I'm glad we're both mentioned here! :)
Los Angeles Times features Jenny Dayco jewelry

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So, of course at the most busiest time of year, I get sick, with some weird sore throat-fever-stuffy nose-runny nose-achy body-fever-mini flu. EW. It sucks!!! I had to push back all my errands and one meeting just to make sure it's out of my body before I start interacting with people! (I would hate for potential buyer #13 to get sick because of me!)

Thanks to my good buddy Paul, he set me up with a possible new account, a store on the westside called Qio. The girls there have asked me to participate in a jewelry event they are having this saturday, so I have to bring some serious A-game to hopefully continue a working relationship with their store!

So much to do......

Saturday, December 1, 2007


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